Animation Tech Intro Part 3: Blending

In the previous post, I described how animation sampling works. We can switch between animation clips. Now, what’s next? We need blending! Animation blending is essential for creating smooth and realistic animations in computer graphics. The process involves interpolating between animation clips to generate intermediate poses. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the details of transform interpolation, how ease-in/ease-out […]

Animation Tech Intro Part 2: Compression

You can think of animation as a sequence of poses. In the last post, I explained skinning and how to apply poses to the character. So how can we set this character in motion, and how do we store the animation data itself? In Blender (or any other 3D software), the animation is a sequence of keys interpolated in a […]

Animation Tech Intro Part 1: Skinning

When I first entered the world of animation programming, I took some things for granted. There’s skinning to animate the mesh. Animation blending to mix different animations. Physics, like pendulum equations to simulate clothing details and hair strands. But I never put much more thought into these. It’s something that I use day-to-day to build visuals, but never really had […]